Just Smile and Nod
The Philosophy Society, then. It's something I feel slightly guilty being a member of, what with not being an Arts student and all, and whenever I tell anyone there I do, in fact, do Biology, they stare at me as though I'd just revealed I was actualy made out of polystyrene, and was the next big thing in Japan. But I don't care, because it's really great. Tonight was a lecture on Pascal's Wager, a topic which for an atheist basicly translates as "Your beliefs are rubbish and here's why". I did learn an awful lot- It's much more subtle than it first appears, although like a lot of theological arguments there's something ever so slightly silly about it, with its mathmatical reasons for why religion is a good thing (I'm paraphrasing a lot here, you'll understand. You'll need to look up a real website to find out about it properly). I also became ever so slightly jealous of Arts Students, as the lecturer started to do things like write "DALEKS" in large capital letters to illustrate free will and crack Woody Allen jokes to illustrate something which I can't remember anymore, but Was Profound.
So anyway, I was sitting there after the lecture thinking profound thoughts and wondering if the entire lecture theatre really was held up by what appeared to be two thin sheets of iron, which knowing Edinburgh University it probably was, when a smiling old man slid along the lower row of seats to talk to me. "Great!", I thought, "A smiling old man!"
"Good lecture, good lecture", said the smiling old man.
I smiled back and nodded.
"I thought there wasn't enough on psychadelia, of course."
My smile froze.
"Now, that Bloke up there's talking about his Wager and all that, and it's all well and good, but-hack, cough-he doesn't really know what he's talking about. Hell isn't a place of eternal punishment, it's just a place people go to respiritulize, a bit like a prison."
My smile unfroze.
"I've seen it many times, you see."
"Just keep nodding, you ponce", muttered my brain as the frost sparkled over my face.
"Oh, yes, and Heaven too. Now, Hell is-wry chuckle- quite hardcore, man, and it's not the sort of place you'd want too spend much of your time in. That Professor doesn't know what he's talking about! You've heard of the experiments in the sixties? With acid?"
"Oh, Dear God", thought my brain, as I tried to nod, smile, and search desperately for a magical exit from the middle of a lecture theatre all at once. Eighteen years of making cut out snowflakes and walking through the woods has left me completely unprepared for this kind of thing. The truth is, of course, that as a semi-smug atheist it absolutely terrifies me when somebody comes along and talks about Hell as a real place you can visit, albiet in a somewhat unconventional way. Factoring in the bit where said person is wild-eyed, coughing, and brandishing a half-empty beer bottle diminishes the sensation, of course, but it's a bit jarring all the same. Not in a conversion-style way, though. Atheism is really great.
Anyway, back at the lecture. The Professor asked for questions. My Old-Man from the Sixties friend's arm shot up.
"Good lecture, good lecture. I thought there wasn't enough on psychadelia, of course..."
As I looked down, and tried not to smile, I realised that my life's finally become interesting here in Edinburgh, even if it is in Old-Man related ways. It's kind of sad, but also not, to realise this was the sort of thing I wanted back in the Summer when I was Blogless and alone- the feeling that something had happened to you that might be strange, and might involve tortured academia, but that you wouldn't take back for the World. And now that happens pretty much every day. I love being a Nerd Student.
So anyway, I was sitting there after the lecture thinking profound thoughts and wondering if the entire lecture theatre really was held up by what appeared to be two thin sheets of iron, which knowing Edinburgh University it probably was, when a smiling old man slid along the lower row of seats to talk to me. "Great!", I thought, "A smiling old man!"
"Good lecture, good lecture", said the smiling old man.
I smiled back and nodded.
"I thought there wasn't enough on psychadelia, of course."
My smile froze.
"Now, that Bloke up there's talking about his Wager and all that, and it's all well and good, but-hack, cough-he doesn't really know what he's talking about. Hell isn't a place of eternal punishment, it's just a place people go to respiritulize, a bit like a prison."
My smile unfroze.
"I've seen it many times, you see."
"Just keep nodding, you ponce", muttered my brain as the frost sparkled over my face.
"Oh, yes, and Heaven too. Now, Hell is-wry chuckle- quite hardcore, man, and it's not the sort of place you'd want too spend much of your time in. That Professor doesn't know what he's talking about! You've heard of the experiments in the sixties? With acid?"
"Oh, Dear God", thought my brain, as I tried to nod, smile, and search desperately for a magical exit from the middle of a lecture theatre all at once. Eighteen years of making cut out snowflakes and walking through the woods has left me completely unprepared for this kind of thing. The truth is, of course, that as a semi-smug atheist it absolutely terrifies me when somebody comes along and talks about Hell as a real place you can visit, albiet in a somewhat unconventional way. Factoring in the bit where said person is wild-eyed, coughing, and brandishing a half-empty beer bottle diminishes the sensation, of course, but it's a bit jarring all the same. Not in a conversion-style way, though. Atheism is really great.
Anyway, back at the lecture. The Professor asked for questions. My Old-Man from the Sixties friend's arm shot up.
"Good lecture, good lecture. I thought there wasn't enough on psychadelia, of course..."
As I looked down, and tried not to smile, I realised that my life's finally become interesting here in Edinburgh, even if it is in Old-Man related ways. It's kind of sad, but also not, to realise this was the sort of thing I wanted back in the Summer when I was Blogless and alone- the feeling that something had happened to you that might be strange, and might involve tortured academia, but that you wouldn't take back for the World. And now that happens pretty much every day. I love being a Nerd Student.
At 11:21 pm,
Em said…
Nerd is the proper term of course. I learned that the other day.
This is by far the best entry ever.
Also, we're supposed to talk. You must talk to me. I'm desperate, you know. Make my life interesting for even a moment by attempting to communicate with me. I see YT doesn't work so we must think of another way I guess.
Another thing, what exactly is so great about being an atheist? Do you enjoy having no purpose and denying something with all your heart?
I hope that doesn't come off as snobbish. It's why I would not like to call myself a Christian. It's an unfair label. But since you've chosen to call yourself an atheist I'd like to know why you enjoy it. And I don't mean that by denying something it must exist and you're an idiot. Just that in either case we're denying something assuming one thing is true and the other isn't. Like by accepting God or some form of Him, you would be denying in a way that He doesn't exist just as you would be denying His existance as an atheist. The two aren't quite equal I suppose. One of them seems to take more effort and that's why I wonder why you enjoy it so much. But then! the other one takes lots of effort too. I'm not sure what I mean to say. Gah. Maybe if one day I wasn't within the confines of this earth and it's way of thinking and this body and it's wants and habits I could explain this easily. In any case I think we're always going to be wrong because this whole thing is wrong. Us. If there is a God I expect that He wouldn't be what I expect. He is iconoclastic.
Yeah so. Whatever.
At 1:42 pm,
Turnip said…
Being a student and all, having no purpose and denying things with all my heart are pretty much my stock in trade. But neither are why I'm an atheist.
Basicly I just found things made more sense that way. When I first read about evolution, it blew me away, and so I spent the next two years or so constructing a belief system around it that required God to not exist to work. And, arrogantly, I found it worked for me in a way religion never really had- it was easier to be moral and an atheist, and in its own way satisfying. I think I'm something of a Born Again Atheist- I converted due to something bordering on a materialistic spiritual experience-which makes me unfortunately zealous, sometimes.
At 3:38 pm,
Em said…
Interesting. But it's so shallow to me. There's not much here in this place. It doesn't make more sense to me. The more I learn about things in science and such, the more I see that some higher being had to make things so complex and perfectly functional. I have many times where I doubt but I think that centering my whole life around myself is no truly satisfying life at all.
At 4:45 pm,
Turnip said…
But I think that atheism can centre your life less around yourself than religion, in some cases. I'd explain, but I have a large headache.
At 5:39 pm,
Anonymous said…
Also first post which veers away from the "ooh i'm such an angsty student who doesn't drink" format.
xxx hugs and kisses
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