Look! A Grouchy Student! Write an Angry Letter to The Mail!
I read on a Neighbours Forum before coming here (don't laugh, you do that secretly too), that in Soapland the surest way to have a baby was to be declared barren, and the best form of contraception was to desperatly, desperately want children. Uni is a bit like that, but not really. I've discovered that whenever I become convinced that I'm never going to meet everyone, everything in Edinburgh is awful, and I'm going to be beaten to death by the entire cast of Trainspotting in Kilts, I instantly meet about a million different people all inexplicably eager to hear my stories of going to bed early and being ill, and whenever I make a concerted effort to see anyone, I end up completely lost in the Arts complex, or at a jumble sale where the jumble hasn't turned up. Thus, writing my blog at 9:30 in the morning during Fresher's Week is actualy a really good thing, and isn't antisocial in any way at all. Really.
I have so much gubbins to sort out that I can't see myself doing things worth blogging about today. There are about a million forms to fill in, most of which require information that I don't have or relate to bank accounts that don't exist, and they've formed a small mountain over my laptop, which is still completely useless. I'm slightly worried my Hall is about to fall apart, given the entire building's habit of wobbling when a door slams, or somebody yells, which happens around 700 times a minute, and the fact that when I can flood my bathroom merely by walking into it, as sludgy goo comes up through the tiles. It's probably all part of the University experience, though, because that's how you're supposed to explain the millions of rubbish things that happen to you.
My, I'm a right grump this morning, I am. Stay cheery, anyone reading this, and don't get lost in an unfamiliar city at least three times a day. It's hard not to do.
I have so much gubbins to sort out that I can't see myself doing things worth blogging about today. There are about a million forms to fill in, most of which require information that I don't have or relate to bank accounts that don't exist, and they've formed a small mountain over my laptop, which is still completely useless. I'm slightly worried my Hall is about to fall apart, given the entire building's habit of wobbling when a door slams, or somebody yells, which happens around 700 times a minute, and the fact that when I can flood my bathroom merely by walking into it, as sludgy goo comes up through the tiles. It's probably all part of the University experience, though, because that's how you're supposed to explain the millions of rubbish things that happen to you.
My, I'm a right grump this morning, I am. Stay cheery, anyone reading this, and don't get lost in an unfamiliar city at least three times a day. It's hard not to do.
At 10:44 pm,
Em said…
Hehehe. You make your life sound inanely interesting even though you complain of it's monotony and such. Perhaps that's why it's interesting, because you complain in an interesting way. I'm not sure. You should read David Sedaris stuff. It's a lot like your writing and very hilarious.
Also, I've been confused about how the shcool system there works but it seems like Uni is like college here and that college there is like highschool with a college edge to it. Am I right?
At 2:58 pm,
Turnip said…
Um. Perhaps. What is college there?
At 8:22 pm,
Em said…
Hmm...school after high school.
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