Pan Bloglodytes: Now with 100% more incoherence.
Here's a rubbish thing: Nothing interesting happened to me today. In the middle of Fresher's Week. In a city where so many interesting things happened they even have a famous dog. I went to lots of places and got lost in them. It's very, very easy to get lost here.
Lots happened yesterday, though, the best thing being registering with the Doctor and instantly discovering I'm not supposed to drink, delivering a ready made excuse right on my lap, and the worst thing being hallucinating through the night due to my fever. I went to a Ceidiglgh, or however the hell it's spelt (you know, the Scottish dance night thing. You should know. Philistine), and that was fun until the bit where I felt like I was going to faint, on account of the sheer distances I've walked this week between places to get lost in. You wouldn't think Ceiidigilgigillighs would be popular during the Hedonist Fun of Fresher's Week (for everyone else. My Fresher's Week has so far been about as Hedonistic as Scrabble Night at the Nunnery, much to my relief), but the place turned out to be full, so full that before long it had decended into some sort of Scottish Moshpit. All the dances collided with each other, I got glared at by a member of the Scottish Dance Society for being rubbish, and I had to at one point dance down a flight of stairs while trying not to feel stupid.
I'm going home for the weekend. I still feel awfully groggy, and the thought of spending this one in Edinburgh with near nothing to do and a large headache fills me with despair, although realisticly that's how I'll be spending the 3000 or so after this one. I have a horrible suspicion when I get back everyone will be chummy and I'll feel an idiot, which is kind of what's happening now anyway. I joined the Revelation Rock Gospel Society yesterday and didn't realise it was Christian for half an hour.
Stay safe, wherever you are. It's one thing to be hit by a bus, quite another to do so after being patronized by a Blog.
Lots happened yesterday, though, the best thing being registering with the Doctor and instantly discovering I'm not supposed to drink, delivering a ready made excuse right on my lap, and the worst thing being hallucinating through the night due to my fever. I went to a Ceidiglgh, or however the hell it's spelt (you know, the Scottish dance night thing. You should know. Philistine), and that was fun until the bit where I felt like I was going to faint, on account of the sheer distances I've walked this week between places to get lost in. You wouldn't think Ceiidigilgigillighs would be popular during the Hedonist Fun of Fresher's Week (for everyone else. My Fresher's Week has so far been about as Hedonistic as Scrabble Night at the Nunnery, much to my relief), but the place turned out to be full, so full that before long it had decended into some sort of Scottish Moshpit. All the dances collided with each other, I got glared at by a member of the Scottish Dance Society for being rubbish, and I had to at one point dance down a flight of stairs while trying not to feel stupid.
I'm going home for the weekend. I still feel awfully groggy, and the thought of spending this one in Edinburgh with near nothing to do and a large headache fills me with despair, although realisticly that's how I'll be spending the 3000 or so after this one. I have a horrible suspicion when I get back everyone will be chummy and I'll feel an idiot, which is kind of what's happening now anyway. I joined the Revelation Rock Gospel Society yesterday and didn't realise it was Christian for half an hour.
Stay safe, wherever you are. It's one thing to be hit by a bus, quite another to do so after being patronized by a Blog.
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