Avast off them thar rails: Thar blow that there Blog!
It's time for an embarassing confession. The reason my former attempts to keep a blog failed somewhat spectacularly wasn't just that nothing ever happened to me (although nothing did-I spent the first half of last week sitting around for days on end, and the second half slowly coming to the realisation I had no life), but rather that blogs terrify me. They're really scary, they are. Not just other peoples'. It isn't so much the admitting all the things that are happening to you, and having people laugh at them, as admitting them and realising all the things in your head that seemed incredably profoud, or hilarious, or (groan) alluring in fact sound as intelligable as a Postmodernist lecture in Japanese being beamed from the bottom of the sea. I guess that's why I'm a bit worried about this Blog. It's going to suck in a very dull way, like that stupid Sonic game where you kept being hit on the head by invisible robots.
Still. I feel very calm today, happily, having meditated to a CD full of laughing people, which is somewhat distracting. I've been invited to a party tonight, which never, ever happens given my quasi-hermit status (I live in the Woods, for heaven's sake. On top of a bloody hill), so I'm looking forward to standing in the corner of a room squeaking and not getting drunk, while not saying very much. Sounds fun. Less scary than Blogs, at any rate.
...There will be a point to this Blog, soon, y'know. Just you wait.
Still. I feel very calm today, happily, having meditated to a CD full of laughing people, which is somewhat distracting. I've been invited to a party tonight, which never, ever happens given my quasi-hermit status (I live in the Woods, for heaven's sake. On top of a bloody hill), so I'm looking forward to standing in the corner of a room squeaking and not getting drunk, while not saying very much. Sounds fun. Less scary than Blogs, at any rate.
...There will be a point to this Blog, soon, y'know. Just you wait.
At 1:49 am,
Em said…
Wow. I realized I'm scared of blogs too. I couldn't just ever realize that by myself I suppose. Or no, I could read over what I've written but I save myself the joy of seeing things from a different point in time and feeling and point of view and such. I don't know. By the way I'm rectalgia incase you were confused. And I still do enjoy your writing. The best thing is just to write for the pleasure of writing, not how it will look to others. It does get old, you know, when you only write about how your writing is a bad thing.
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