Pan Bloglodytes

One Monkey. One Typewriter. No Shakespeare.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Bigot Up.

I had an utterly splendid time at the party, which I wasn't expecting at all. There was a stream of people telling me how great I was, and masses of sausages. It was like being in some sort of glorious dream, cliche-baitingly. Lots happened, but not lots I can really write about here. When you're starting a new life in 12 days-arrgh, help, no, deargoddeargod- writing in length about things that got resolved from pre-blog days would be very confusing. And more importantly, I'm tired, and it'd take ages.

I bought a book today on the basis of the fact the back cover said it had been "banned in several countries", only to realise once I'd bought it that I had made that up, and it was merely frowned upon by all major religions. It's "Why I Am Not A Christian", by Bertrand Russell, and while it's very good (It's full of dirty jokes, one about a train), I feel a little guilty reading it, as I might as well be reading a large manual entitled "Confirming Your Prejudices for Dummies". I am an Atheist, but being told that I'm right and sensible in a book is a bit rubbish, as the Student in me wants to be a dangerous radical, in a tee-total, nine-hours-sleep kind of way. I get the feeling that ambition may fail on more than one account.

So I'm a Bigot, then, but a popular one. I'll be assasinating the leaders of countries before I know it. Until next time, keep well, stay sharp, and read Random, I know, but it's a much, much better Scottish based blog than this, and it's written by a cynical man in his fifties (I think), which is always fun. And for those disturbed by the link, it has as much nudity in it as The Beano does. And much, much better jokes.


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